Highlights from e-EPS: EPS and EuChems are joining forces
e-EPS News is an addition to the CERN Bulletin line-up, showcasing articles from e-EPS – the European Physical Society newsletter – as part of a collaboration between the two publications.
On the occasion of the EPS Council 2013 in Strasbourg, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Societies (EuCheMS) and the European Physical Society (EPS) by presidents Ulrich Schubert and Luisa Cifarelli.
EuCheMS and EPS share many objectives, such as community building, scientific excellence, communication and representation of their respective members to European policy makers. The two societies recognise that issues in many fields such as education, publication, support for basic sciences and frontier research are similar in their respective disciplines. They wish to combine efforts in developing and presenting common standpoints to their mutual benefit as European representatives in chemistry and physics respectively, and in the interests of chemistry and physics in general.
Where appropriate, EuCheMS and EPS agree to encourage joint representation on division and group boards, joint organisation of conferences, joint communication of conferences and other activities, joint studies and reports in fields such as education, publication, economic impact etc. Moreover EuCheMS and EPS are willing to make available expertise and services available in their respective secretariats.
This MoU seals an already ongoing scientific collaboration between the EuCheMS and EPS, which specially concerns both the European Energy Conference and the Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy.