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Issue No. 19-20/2013 - Monday 6 May 2013
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Section Développement de contenus éditoriaux
Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 6 May
The Standard Model of Nature: Lessons from Two Success Stories, by Professeur Gabriele Veneziano, Collège de France (Paris) and CERN.
Uni Dufour | Ig Nobel Show with Marc Abrahams | 7 May
On 7 May, Marc Abrahams, founder of the Ig Nobel Prize, will give an "Ig Nobel show", in English at Uni Dufour.
Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 8 May
The PAMELA mission: more than six years of Cosmic Rays investigation, Dr Francesco Cafagna, Bari University and INFN.
Christophe Grojean présente le livre « À la recherche du boson de Higgs »
Depuis l'annonce de sa découverte, le 4 juillet 2012, le boson de Higgs n'a cessé de faire parler de lui dans les médias.
Globe Event | Lecture by Hervé Dessimoz and Thomas Büchi | 14 May
At the summit of Sustainable Development, by Hervé Dessimoz and Thomas Büchi.
Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 15 May
Thorium or Uranium fuel cycle for advanced nuclear reactors ? Fuel recycling, multi-recycling, breeding and burning, Dr Jiri Krepel, Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI).
Globe Event | Lecture by Cédric Villani | 21 May
La naissance des idées - réflexions sur la nature et l’histoire de la mathématique et de la physique, by Cédric Villani.
Conference | From Newton to Hawking and beyond | 28 May
From Newton to Hawking and beyond: Why disability equality is relevant to the world of particle physics, Dr Tom Shakespeare.
News Articles
R2E – identifying problems, mitigating risks
Multiplying dimensions
Please use the emergency exit
Filling the vacuum at LHCb
Collider – the LHC in London
The success of the 11-Tesla project and its potential beyond particle physics
Fire and evacuation drills make the CERN safety plans work
Celebrating 50 years of the CERN Computing Operations group
Highlights from e-EPS: EPS and EuChems are joining forces
Bad (Re)Presentations
Ombuds’ corner: Ethics - first speak to yourself
Official News
Taxation in France | Memorandum concerning the annual internal taxation certificate and the declaration of income for 2012
Gate E to the Meyrin site - Reminder
Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France
Training and Development
Safety Training: places available in May 2013
Official CERN holidays | Restaurant opening hours
Staff Association
The Staff Association has a new look and is modernizing itself
Public meetings
Assemblée générale
Orienteering club
Cern Women's Club
Cine Club
Yoga club
Offers for our members