7500 km journey with their solar-powered bicycles: show your solidarity with their efforts
Our colleagues, Céline and Jean, are currently on a 7500 km journey from Geneva to Astana (Kazakhstan) via Sotchi (in Russia, mandatory stopover) to promote ecology with their solar-powered bicycles.
In the context of their trip, they asked the Staff Association to launch an action of solidarity in the framework of the Long-Term Collections. It is with pleasure that we have accepted their proposal and that we offer you the possibility to take part in this humanitarian initiative. You can participate by pledging to donate CHF 10 for each country that will be crossed by Céline and Jean, which corresponds to a maximum commitment of 100 CHF. Indeed, their scheduled trip will include 10 countries across Europe and Asia. Today they are in Hungary, after travelling through parts of Switzerland, France, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. The details on how to participate will be published in our next issue of Echo.
For further information about this wonderful adventure, please visit the official Sun Trip web site: http://thesuntrip.com/presentation/, the blog of Céline and Jean: http://celinejean.top-depart.com/, or the Staff Association’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StaffAssociation.Cern.