

Group life insurance

The CERN Administration wishes to inform staff members and fellows having taken out optional life insurance under the group contract signed by CERN that the following changes to the rules and regulations entered into force on 1 January 2013: >>

2013 Bike safety campaign: outcome and feedback

From 3 to 17 June, the HSE Unit, in collaboration with the Reception and Access Control Service, led a campaign targeting CERN cyclists. >>

Summer season | Cafeteria closures

Please note the following cafeteria closures over the summer season: >>

SAFETY ALERT: Electrical insulation defect on safety helmets

Contrarily to the information provided until 31 May 2013, some “Euro Protection” safety helmets do not respect any of the requirements for electrical insulation. >>

Between 3 June and 3 August, limit your electricity consumption

CERN is normally supplied by the French 400 kV RTE/EDF network and has a reduced-power backup supply from the Swiss 130 kV ALPIQ/SIG network. >>

Entrance C - Meyrin site: new access conditions

Entrance C on the Meyrin site, which drivers of motorised vehicles can use Mondays to Fridays from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., has been altered to include a turnstile to allow cyclists and pedestrians to use their access card to get in and out of the site from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. >>

News Articles

Fatter, older and slower (and with a trigger)  
Safety, Quality, Schedule: the motto of LS1  
LS1 Report: all according to schedule  
27 September 2013: Fast forward and rewind to our Origins  
From EuCARD to EuCARD-2  
Interview with Peter Jenni  
High-tech solutions for the environment  
Scientifically artistic - artistically scientific  
Chronicling a journey of discovery  
Linac4: the final assembly stage is under way  
New arrivals  
Highlights from e-EPS: Hetland to receive EPS-PED Award for Secondary School Teaching  
Why can't I sue my software provider?  
Ombuds’ corner: Let's not confuse students and fellows with missing staff  
News from the Library: Facilitating access to a program for radiation shielding - the Library can help  

Official News

Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  

Training and Development

“Use of fire extinguishers” course: A hot tip for your safety!  
Safety Training: places available in July - August 2013  
Summer Oral Expression English course  
Summer French courses for BEGINNERS (15 July to 3 September 2013)  


Concert of the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra | 8 July | 1 p.m.  

Staff Association

7500 km journey with their solar-powered bicycles: show your solidarity with their efforts  
Changes with the composition of the Executive Committee  
Orienteering club  