

Wanted: elbow grease

In Divonne-les-Bains, an association founded by former CERN personnel is restoring the oldest hydroelectric plant in France. The adventure started more than ten years ago, and now you’re invited to take part… >>

Summertime for physicists

Summer for particle physicists is the season for “summer conferences” and the past week saw two big meetings in full swing. >>

LS1 Report: first missions accomplished

Things are going well in all the Laboratory’s accelerators. For the SMACC project at the LHC (see here), work on the machine’s outer W bellows is well advanced with over half now opened up. To date we have completed 15% of the project and all the magnet and superconducting circuit consolidation activities are now being submitted to a quality audit by external experts from laboratories all over the world. >>

“Wandering the Immeasurable”

Art is coming to the Globe garden: from September, you will be able to admire an impressive steel sculpture – a  modern symbol of the evolution of science through the ages. >>

Temperatures plummet at ISOLDE

For several weeks, members of the EN-CV Group assigned to the HIE-ISOLDE project have been working on the installation of a cooling and ventilation system for the new ISOLDE buildings. This work is on track to be completed by the end of the year. >>

The Naked Blunder

In the past, we have published many different articles on a multitude of aspects of computer security and on the risk to CERN and to you when you use your computer at CERN or at home. Some were relevant to all of us, others only to a minority. This time, we would like to raise a rather delicate and fortunately rare issue: the consultation of pornographic websites and why it is forbidden at CERN. >>

Official News

Administrative Circular No. 30 (Rev. 3) - “Financial benefits on taking up appointment and on termination of contract”  
Administrative Circulars No. 12 A (Rev. 2) - "Education fees” and No. 12 B (Rev. 2) - “Education fees and language courses”  
Joint Advisory Appeals Board  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund  
Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  
Preventing thefts and damage to property  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in July - August 2013  
Summer Oral Expression English course  


Entrance C - New Automatic Number Plate Recognition System  
Summer season | Cafeteria closures  
Between 3 June and 3 August, limit your electricity consumption  


CERN Webfest: A weekend for science on the web  

Staff Association

Summer and Autumn activities  
2500 km on solar-electric bike: let’s congratulate them by giving a donation to the Long-Term Collections  
Offers for our members