Elections to Staff Council

Elections to fill all seats in the Staff Council are being organized this month. The voting takes place from the 28 of October to the 11th of November, at noon.

As you may have noted when reading Echo, many issues concerning our employment conditions are on the agenda of the coming months, and in particular the Five-yearly-Review 2015, subject of the questionnaire that you probably recently filled out. All this will keep the next Staff Council very busy indeed.

So, make your voice heard and take part in the elections for a new Staff Council. By doing so, you will be encouraging the men and women who will be representing you over the next two years and they will doubtless appreciate your gratitude. Every member of the Staff Association will have received an email containing a link to the webpage which will allow voting. If you are a member of the Staff Association and you did not receive such an email, please contact the Staff Association secretariat (staff.association@cern.ch).

Do not forget to vote


2013 Elections to Staff Council

Make your voice heard and be many to elect the new Staff Council. More details on the elections can be found on the Staff Association web site (https://ap-vote.web.cern.ch/elections-2013).

Timetable elections

Monday 28 October to Monday 11 November, 12:00 am

Monday 18 and Monday 25 November,
publication of the results in Echo

Tuesday 19 November,
Staff Association Assizes

Tuesday 3 December,
first meeting of the new Staff Council and election of the new Executive Committee

The voting procedure is monitored by the Election Committee.

by Staff Association