

Posters of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics available from the Library

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences produces three posters annually, each of which explains the motivation for the award of the Nobel prizes in Physics, Chemistry and Economics. >>

Safety Training: a right or an obligation?

CERN’s Safety Training programme currently offers around 50 classroom courses and 17 e-learning courses. Although anyone can attend any of these courses, some are compulsory for everyone working at CERN. In particular, “CERN Safety Introduction” and “Safety during LS1” are compulsory for all new arrivals. >>

Safety Training and Awareness: a team at your service

Ever wondered who is on the other end of the e-mail address? If so, you might like to know that all the activities relating to safety training and awareness (“Safety Training" for short) are managed by a team dedicated to ensuring the smooth running of CERN’s safety training courses.  >>

How to fill in your OHS-0-0-3 Safety Form

The HSE Unit reminds all members of personnel that the OHS-0-0-3 Safety Form entitled “Identification of occupational risks” must be filled in on EDH at least once a year with their supervisor. >>

Don't miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!

There you'll find information on Safety Training and the team in charge, the OHS-0-0-3 Safety Form, the posters of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics, the 2014 CERN Accelerator Schools, the 2014 European... >>

2014 European School of High-Energy Physics

Dear Colleagues, >>

News Articles

The successful completion of LS1, consolidation and preparations for the future  
A mid-term report for LS1  
LS1 Report: the clouds are lifting  
CMS prepares for new challenges  
Physics and Medicine: ready for a new rendez-vous  
The hunting season’s over  
Hackathon: Call for applications - the search for cinema-loving scientists is on  
Behind the scenes of GS: Sweet dreams!  
Computer Security: Getting a better image from the Organization  
Ombuds' Corner: A change in your career? Drive it yourself!  
News from the Library: Knovel trial period  

Official News

Subsidised energy prices in France: TPN – Tarif de Première Nécessité (“basic needs” electricity price) and TSS – Tarif Spécial de Solidarité (special solidarity price for natural gas)  
Extension of the pre-retirement programmes  
Official holidays in 2014 and end-of-year closure 2014/2015  

Training and Development

Language tandem  
Safety Training: places available in February 2014  
English and French courses  


ICTR-PHE Public Talk | Physics is beautiful and useful by Ugo Amaldi | 11 February  
Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) kick-off meeting | 12-15 February  

Staff Association

Public meetings  
Staff Association  
Cern Golf Club  
Rugby Club  
Cern Wowen's Club  