

Radiography at CERN

What is industrial radiography? It is a non-destructive method with a wide variety of applications, such as inspecting the quality of a weld. It uses high-energy radioactive sources or an X-ray generator. >>

CERN psychologist: new consulting days

Please note that the psychologist at the CERN Medical Service can now be consulted, by appointment, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. >>

Easy encryption for CERN laptops

The number of laptops stolen from or lost by CERN staff and users is not negligible. On average, four to five devices are reported lost or stolen to the CERN Fire Brigade every month. >>

News Articles

Precision is in their nature  
Celebrating diversity at CERN  
LS1 Report: Blowing away the cobwebs  
A Nobel laureate's formula for the universe  
The Very Model of a Modern PI-Mode Structure  
Lifting CERN entrepreneurs to new heights  
Another donation of computer equipment  
Highlights from e-EPS: Jean-Michel Raimond wins EPS Edison-Volta Prize 2014  
Behind the scenes of GS: each to his own lock and key  
Computer Security: Coming soon, a pragmatic Data Protection Policy for an open Organisation  
Ombuds' Corner: MARS interviews, a two-way street to mutual understanding (Part 2)  

Official News

Taxation in Switzerland  
Taxation in France: Public meeting on Wednesday 19 March 2014  
Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 3) - Guarantees for representatives of the personnel  
Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev.10) - Recognition of merit  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) Monthly Contributions – Changes for 2014  
To all members of the personnel: Summer work for children of members of the personnel  

Training and Development

New course: "Introduction to knowledge transfer tools"  
Safety Training: places available in March 2014  
Language tandem  
English and French courses  


Université de Genève | Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 19 March  
CERN-UN Roundtable | Tuesday 11 March | 3 p.m.  

Staff Association

Dancing Club  
Woman's Club  
Micro club  
Music Club  