

Prévessin site – Pedestrian and cycle entrances   >>

Introducing the new EDMS

We are very pleased to announce the arrival of a brand new EDMS: EDMS 6. The CERN Engineering and Equipment Data Management Service just got better than ever! EDMS is the de facto interface for all engineering related data and more. Currently there are more than 1.2 million documents and nearly 2 million files stored in EDMS. >>

The 37th CERN School of Computing visits Portugal: Apply now!

CERN is organising its summer School of Computing (see here) for the 37th time since 1970. CSC2014 (see here) will take place from 25 August to 6 September in Braga, Portugal. >>

Opening times for CERN restaurants over the Easter weekend

Restaurants No. 1 and No. 3 will be closed from Friday 18 April to Monday 21 April 2014 inclusive.   Restaurant No. >>

Safety Bulletin 2014-2

The HSE Unit would like to inform you that the Safety Bulletin 2014-2 entitled “False floors: real dangers” has just been released. >>

Don't miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!

There you'll find information on the new EDMS, the 37th CERN School of Computing, the Safety Bulletin 2014-2, the opening times for CERN restaurants over the Easter weekend, the 2014 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics, the Diversity in Action Workshop, the Raspberry Pi programming day. >>

2014 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics

Dear Colleagues, >>

News Articles

CMS presents new boundary of Higgs width  
A noble cause  
LS1 Report: injectors 2.0  
10 April 2014: Safety Day at CERN  
New arrivals  
Behind the scenes of GS: cross-platform  
Computer Security: Social Media - Dos and Don’ts  
Ombuds' Corner: Happiness at work - Yes it counts!  
François de Rose (1910 - 2014)  
Roger Calder (1934 – 2014)  

Official News

Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights  

Training and Development

Technical training: places available  
Safety Training: places available in April 2014  


Université de Genève | Physics Colloquium: “Magnetic monopoles at the LHC and in the Cosmos” | 7 April  
Diversity in Action Workshop | 8 April  
Université de Genève | Particle Physics Colloquium | 9 April  
Raspberry Pi programming day | 12 April  
Talk | The impact of fundamental Physics on Medicine by Ugo Amaldi | 10 April  
Université de Genève | Physics Colloquium | 7 April  

Staff Association

Crisis meeting  
Women's Club  
Club d'orientation  
Play Golf with the CERN Golf Club  