

THE Port: Hackathon at CERN | Apply now!   >>

Restaurant closures: summer 2014   >>

2014 CERN Accelerator Schools: Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection

The US-CERN-JAPAN-RUSSIA Joint International Accelerator School is organising a course on Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection to be held in Newport Beach, California, USA from 5-14 November, 2014.  >>

Reminder: Bike safety – e-learning module still available!

The “Safe bike riding” e-learning module offered by the Safety Training Section of the HSE Unit is designed for anyone who uses a bike on the CERN site. >>

News Articles

The first neutron beam hits EAR2  
Getting to know international Geneva  
LS1 Report: Summer cool down  
ISOLDE back on target  
The light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter  
Computer Security: Your iPhone as a key-logger  

Official News

New procedure for declaring changes in family and personal situation  

Training and Development

Management and communication courses – Places available  
Safety training: places available in July and August  
A breath of fresh air for cryogenics training  


Concert | United Nations Orchestra at CERN | 19 September  
CineGlobe Film Festival presents Particle Fever in celebration of CERN's 60th anniversary | 20 September  
Concert | The CERN Choir hits the high notes | Victoria Hall | 30 September  

Staff Association

The 2015 Five-yearly review: diversity in the spotlight  
Croquet Club  
Bowls Club  
Prize Draw   
Table Tennis Club  