

Ideas worth nurturing

Originally created in response to requests from experimentalists working in the collaborations, IdeaSquare has evolved into a place where innovative ideas meet established expertise. Although the project is still in its pilot phase, two EU-funded projects have found their home in the IdeaSquare building and 46 students have already participated in the Challenge-Based Innovation courses based there. More to come… >>

A clean bill of health for CERN’s medical applications office

Many of you will have had the opportunity to follow the seminar on medical applications given by two members of our new International Strategy Committee for medical applications on 20 November. This occasion gives me a good opportunity to take stock of what’s been achieved since we set up our office for medical applications under Steve Myers almost a year ago. >>

LS1 Report: Handing in the ATLAS keys

After completing more than 250 work packages concerning the whole detector and experimental site, the ATLAS and CERN teams involved with LS1 operations are now wrapping things up before starting the commissioning phase in preparation for the LHC restart. The giant detector is now more efficient, safer and even greener than ever thanks to the huge amount of work carried out over the past two years. >>

CERN's role in medical applications

Last week, CERN hosted the first meeting of the International Strategy Committee for medical applications. This Committee will help CERN establish its roadmap in the field of research and development activities for medical applications. Here the CERN Bulletin speaks with the Chair of the Committee as he shares his expectations and his vision. >>

Microcosm 2015: showcasing real objects, real people and real discoveries

Every year since its inauguration in 1994, the well-loved Microcosm exhibition has played host to tens of thousands of students, tourists and VIPs alike. But the ever-changing CERN landscape warranted a new look for the exhibition, which was last updated in 2003. On 8 December, Microcosm will close for refurbishment, making way for a new, interactive exhibition space to be opened summer 2015. >>

Transfer line tests take centre stage

Last weekend, proton beams came knocking on the LHC's door. Shooting from the SPS and into the two LHC transfer lines, the proton beams were dumped just short of entering the accelerator. >>

Brand new hall in the main building

The renovation of the UNIQA and post office premises is getting under way, with their reopening scheduled for the spring. >>

Machine Learning wins the Higgs Challenge

The winner of the four-month-long Higgs Machine Learning Challenge, launched on 12 May, is Gábor Melis from Hungary, followed closely by Tim Salimans from the Netherlands and Pierre Courtiol from France. The challenge explored the potential of advanced machine learning methods to improve the significance of the Higgs discovery. >>

ATLAS@Home looks for CERN volunteers

ATLAS@Home is a CERN volunteer computing project that runs simulated ATLAS events. As the project ramps up, the project team is looking for CERN volunteers to test the system before planning a bigger promotion for the public. >>

A dishwasher for circuits

You have always been told that electronic devices fear water. However, at the Surface Mount Devices (SMD) Workshop here at CERN all the electronic assemblies are cleaned with a machine that looks like a… dishwasher. >>

The Safety Training Centre is also used for recruitment

The Safety Training Centre on the Prévessin site boasts not only a life-sized mock-up of the LHC accelerator but also a number of other simulators, such as those used for electrical work certification (“habilitation électrique"). What better place to test the technical competencies of candidates applying for a job in the CERN Fire Brigade? >>

Building 772 - CERN’s new calibration facility for radiation protection instruments is ready to go

Building 772 is becoming the new home of CERN’s calibration facility for radiation protection instrumentation. The new laboratory in Prévessin will be a state-of-the-art calibration facility and the first of its kind in both France and Switzerland, offering a wide range of possibilities with respect to radiation fields and instrumentation. >>

Joint International Accelerator School

The CERN and US Particle Accelerator Schools recently organised a Joint International Accelerator School on Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Newport Beach, California, USA from 5-14 November 2014. This Joint School was the 13th in a series of such schools, which started in 1985 and also involves the accelerator communities in Japan and Russia. >>

Mystery photos: challenge No. 4!

It has been said that the Higgs boson was the last piece of an incomplete puzzle. The Standard Model looks pretty good, but doesn’t tell the whole story. Similarly, the tens of thousands of pieces in the CERN Photo Archive puzzle are gradually falling into place. >>

Behind the scenes of GS: a long-term urban planning vision

The GS Department is working on a long-term plan for the urban planning of the CERN sites, ensuring that their development takes place using a coherent approach and keeping in mind the need for harmonious integration in the surrounding area. >>

Computer Security: Agility for computers

I have just made an inventory of all the digital gadgets connected to my wireless network at home: two Windows laptops, two tablets of different generations, my two kids’ iPods , one iPhone, an Apple TV, an old iMac, the Wii U, a Sony TV, a Sony stereo, the Wi-Fi router (of course!), a Network Attached Storage and two IP telephones. I’m sure other people have many more... >>

Ombud’s corner: When “stop” doesn’t work

In a previous Bulletin article (see here) we discussed the issue of how to deal with unwanted declarations of love. The focus there was on the importance of saying “stop” in a clear and unambiguous manner when faced with actions of this kind. But what do you do when this behaviour persists? >>

Official News

End-of-year closure 2014/2015  
Pension payment dates in 2015  
New procedure for declaring accidents resulting in bodily injuries  
106TH ACCU Meeting DRAFT  
CHIS – Services available during CERN’s end-of-year closure  
CHIS – New insurance cards and phone numbers valid from 1 January 2015  
CHIS - Information concerning the health insurance of frontalier workers who are family members of a CHIS main member  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in November and December 2014  


CERN Bulletin publication schedule for 2015  
Modernising the CERN Admin e-guide  
Joint Universities Accelerator School | Places available!  
European School in Instrumentation for Particle and Astroparticle Physics | Places available!  
CERN Accelerator School | 26 May – 5 June 2015  
Safety training news  


John Adams Lecture | Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics: Past, Present and Future by Kenneth Long | 8 December  
TEDx Place Des Nations | 11 December  

Staff Association

Guaranteeing CERN’s excellence: consolidate experience  
Dancing club  
Cine club  