

News Articles

Don’t call it a closure!  
Spoilers! It’s LHC Season 2  
LS1 to LHC Report: LHC key handed back to Operations  
Keep calm and share science!  
2015: International Year of Light  
Léa: at at the crossroads of science and dreams  
The end of an era for the CERN Restaurant  
Taking CERN physics to South Asia  
CAS course on Plasma Wake Acceleration  
Computer Security: Protect your plant: a "serious game" about control system cyber-security  
Daniel Brandt (1950-2014)  

Official News

To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN  
Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights  
Health insurance for Users and other Associated Members of the Personnel  


Retirement party for Martine (Novae)! | 29 January  
New Year, new interface for EDMS!