Public meeting
Last Monday at 9 a.m. the Council Chamber was full, with several people standing, for the public meeting of the Staff Association. Simultaneously, many of our colleagues followed the presentations in the Amphitheatre in Prévessin. We would like to thank all of you for the interest you have shown and for your feedback.
In the introduction we explained how the Staff Association represents the staff in its discussions with Management and Member States, and how the staff itself defined, by its participation in the 2013 staff survey, the priority assigned to various points related to the employment conditions.
The position of the Staff Association regarding the new contract policy, to be implemented as of 31 March 2015 after approval by Council, was stated. Then, in the framework of the 2015 five-yearly review, the general approach that we would like to see for the new career structure, was explained. Concerning diversity, based on what we know about the situation in other international organizations, we put forward some ideas for improvements in the area of family-friendly measures and work-life balance. On pensions, we emphasised once again that thanks to the measures taken in 2010, the CERN Pension Fund is on track to reach full funding in 2041, as planned. Thus, no new actions are necessary at this time.
A really interesting questions and answer dialogue followed the presentations (the whole session is available on Indico).
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like some additional information or want to share your opinion with us (email:
Note that all Staff Association members can participate in the work of one of our six internal commissions (see for a list). Please contact the coordinator of the chosen commission to get an invitation.