

Academic Training Lecture | Big Data Challenges in the Era of Data Deluge | 9 - 10 March

Big Data Challenges in the Era of Data Deluge, by Ilya Volvovski (Senior Software Architect, Cleversafe, USA). >>

Lecture | CERN prepares its long-term future: a 100-km circular collider to follow the LHC? | CERN Globe | 11 March

Particle physics is a long-term field of research: the LHC was originally conceived in the 1980s, but did not start running until 25 years later. An accelerator unlike any other, it is now just at the start of a programme that is set to run for another 20 years. >>

News Articles

A day in the CERN Control Centre  
Proposed cuts to Horizon 2020 are short-sighted  
LHC Report: Rehearsing the LHC accelerator systems for the Run 2 start-up with beam  
Sick of queuing? The Registration Service has the answer  
Women at CERN: Once upon a time…  
A new director for Arts@CERN  
CMS outreach event to close LS1  
Computer Security: an update on your privacy – or lack of it  
Ombud's corner: space invaders  
Anselm Citron (1923 - 2014)  
Klaus Winter (1930 - 2015)  

Official News

Taxation in Switzerland  
107th ACCU Meeting   

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in March and April 2015  


The Bulletin turns 50!  
Change of Mobile Telephony Operator  
Route Scherrer and Route Einstein closed for construction work  

Staff Association

Respecting the right to strike  
Looking back  
Dancing club  
Cine Club  
CERN Record Club   
Learning Classical Music Club  