

2015 Five-Yearly Review : one last formal step, with the implementation to follow

Taking into account the arbitration by the Director General the Staff Council decided that it did not oppose the Management proposals for the 2015 Five-Yearly Review (see Echo 234). >>

And after the elections!

What happens to the newly elected, and the re-elected delegates after the election of the new Staff Council? (see Écho No 47-48 / 2016). >>


New offer for our members. >>

Cine club

Wednesday 2 December 2015 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Faces Directed by John Cassavetes USA, 1968, 130 minutes Richard Forst has grown old. >>


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News Articles

Crystals channel high-energy beams in the LHC  
Peace is more than the absence of war  
LHC Report: plumbing new heights  
Lead-ion collisions: the LHC achieves a new energy record  
CERN's Technician Training Experience notches up another success!  
No speed limits in medical imaging and high-energy physics  
1 report, 6 authors? Easy!  
Princess of Thailand returns to CERN  
Innovation meets entrepreneurship  
CAS course on Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams at CERN  
Highlights from e-EPS: PiA – Physics in Advent  
From the CERN web: knowledge transfer, sustainability, CERN openlab and more  
Computer Security: professionalism in security, too  
Ombud’s Corner: moral harassment – are you concerned?  
Lev Borisovich Okun (1929 - 2015)  

Official News

End-of-year closure 2015/2016  
Temporary reintroduction of border controls at French borders inside the Schengen Area  
Official holidays in 2016 and end-of-year closure 2016/2017  
Extension of the pre-retirement programmes  
Official News relating to CERN Safety Rules  
110th ACCU Meeting  
Family benefits - Obligation to provide information  

Training and Development

Places available – Leadership programme (up to the end of 2015)  
Safety Training: places available in November and December 2015  
Places available - Personal development and communication courses (up to the end of 2015)  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  


Annual closure of the CERN restaurants  
CERN’s 2016 Beamline for Schools competition starts on 17 November  
CERN Shop Christmas Sale  
Please exercise extreme caution at the Saint-Genis roundabout  


Academic Training Lectures | The Art of Way Finding | 9-10 December  
CERN Library | Sandrine Saison-Marsollier, Corinne Pralavorio and Michel Spiro present "Si tu devais me dessiner l’Univers…" | 10 December