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FameLab is the exciting competition for young researchers that is conquering the world of science communication. Last year, the CERN winner, Lillian Smestad, finished in second place at the international festival. Will you do better?


FameLab is not just another talent show for scientists: its magic formula truly helps real scientists show off their communication skills. Successful candidates will have to impress the judges by giving an original and entertaining three-minute talk. In the words of one of the participants in the Swiss competition: “I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't only a competition, there were also plenty of opportunities to network with other young researchers and to get valuable feedback on our public speaking and science communication skills.”

The contestants are judged on the content, clarity and charisma of their talks. The result is an amazing collection of speeches that are inspiring, educational and accurate, despite their brevity.

CERN has been a partner of FameLab in Switzerland since 2012 and in France since 2014. The 2015 FameLab International Final in Cheltenham, UK, was a triumph for CERN as Lillian Smestad, a member of the AEgIS collaboration from the Norwegian Research Council, finished in second place! The competition was tough, with 27 countries participating in the international semi-finals and only nine making it through to the finals. It was also the first year that CERN took part as a “country”.

This year, CERN is again running its own FameLab event: if you want to become the new star of science communication, go to the website, read the rules, record a video of your talk (maximum three minutes long!) and send its URL to the organisers before 1 April 2016. The best entrants will be selected to participate in Masterclasses – an important training opportunity with coaches from the BBC and entirely funded by CERN – and will go on to compete for the title of “CERN winner” at the local final on 12 May.

The competition is open to young researchers (up to 35 years of age) with a valid CERN computing account. The winner will go on to participate in the international final that will be held during the 2016 Cheltenham Science Festival.

Enter now! Read the rules and visit the website for more detailed information.

by Antonella Del Rosso