

New wings give ICARUS flight for second neutrino hunt

In the framework of the CERN Neutrino Platform (CENF) project, the ICARUS detector is being refurbished before being sent to the US in search of sterile neutrinos. >>

News from Council

With this message I would like to share with you some highlights of this week’s Council meetings. >>

LHC Report: highs and wet lows

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy… not so for the LHC, which is just entering four weeks of full-on luminosity production. >>

Vacuum chambers full of ideas for the Swedish synchrotron

CERN’s Vacuum, Surfaces and Coatings group has contributed to the development of vacuum chambers for the MAX IV synchrotron, which has just been officially opened in Sweden. >>

News from HR: a word from Anne-Sylvie Catherin

Anne-Sylvie Catherin, head of HR Department, looks back over her years at CERN before taking up her new position at the European Central Bank. >>

CERN’s firefighters hone their trauma response skills

Seven CERN firefighters have been trained in how to treat trauma victims. This training forms part of the Fire Brigade’s efforts to acquire specialist knowledge. >>

Double victory for CERN at the "Tour du canton de Genève"

Once again, the CERN Running Club has caused a stir at the Tour du Canton de Genève. >>

CAS on Free-Electron Lasers and Energy Recovery Linacs in Hamburg

The CERN Accelerator School (CAS) and DESY held a jointly-organised specialised course on Free-Electron Lasers and Energy Recovery Linacs (FELs and ERLs) in Hamburg, Germany, from 31 May to 10 June 2016.  >>

New arrivals

On Wednesday, 22 June 2016, recently recruited staff members and fellows participated in a session in the framework of the Induction Programme. >>

Computer Security: DNS to the rescue!

Why you should be grateful to the Domain Name System at CERN. >>

Ombud’s Corner: a world without lies?

Can a world without lies exist? Are there different types of lies, some more acceptable than others, or is that just an excuse that we use to justify ourselves? What consequences do lies have in the working environment?  >>

Guido Vegni (1931 - 2016)

Guido Vegni, a renowned particle physicist and Professor at the University of Milan, passed away on Thursday, 2 June. >>

Change of mobile network coverage in France from 29 August

The change of mobile network coverage on the French part of the CERN site will take effect on 29 August and not on 11 July as previously announced.  >>

Presenting CineGlobe Estival! | 6 - 10 July

Join CineGlobe under a projected starry sky for a film festival and games with a neuroscience twist. >>

Official News

Statement about UK referendum on the EU  
Change of mobile network coverage in France from 29 August  
Change to CERN Safety Rules: Abolition of Safety Code A7  
Next HR Department public meeting  
Change to mobile telephony coverage and billing in France  


Higgs boson pizza day | 4 July 2016 | Restaurant 1  
Change of offices for the FAP Department  
Roadworks around the "Les Cèdres" car park  
New gate for pedestrians and bikes on Prévessin site  
10% discount at Novae restaurants for students  
Telephony user survey  
The sun and its impact on your health - Use it, don't abuse it  
The CERN Accelerator School  
Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference | 15-20 May 2017 | Shanghai  
Speed limit on the Route de l’Europe  


Cryogenic Safety HSE Seminar | 21 - 23 September 2016  
Presenting CineGlobe Estival! | 6 - 10 July  
Science Me! | 09-10 July | Geneva  

Staff Association

Five-yearly review: where do we stand now?  
Offers for our members  
Croquet Club  
Cine club  