Procedure for the delivering of personal short-term visitor dosimeters

Update of the administrative procedure for delivering a personal short-term visitor dosimeter to associated members of CERN’s personnel.


Associated members of the CERN personnel may request a short term visitor dosimeter if working only in Supervised Radiation Areas and for a period of less than two months in a calendar year. Such a dosimeter is delivered without the need to provide the usual regular documents: radiation passport, certificate from the home institute or medical certificate. Periodic verification will ensure that holders of these personal dosimeters do not exceed the maximum allowed personal dose for this type of dosimeter, which is the same as the limit for members of the public at 1 mSv per year.

From now on, the two-month period can be spread over a calendar year, offering greater flexibility to users coming to CERN for multiple short periods.

Please return unused dosimeters
Persons leaving CERN for a period of more than one month should return their dosimeter to the Dosimetry Service. A dosimeter can be obtained from the Dosimetry Service upon return without any further administrative steps or advance notice, as long as the assignment conditions are still met.

The Dosimetry Service strongly discourages having dosimeters read by third parties or secretariats during long absences (more than one month). During a long-term absence, the dosimeter may be used by other users, considerably reducing the overall costs for CERN. Furthermore, recording the doses received by people who are not physically at CERN introduces bias to the reports transmitted to the Host State authorities, which must be avoided.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Dosimetry Service
Building 55/R-004
Tel: 72155
Opening hours 8.30 a.m. – 12 noon
Closed in the afternoon