

Happy New Year 2018!

Early in the new year, the Staff Association wishes you and your loved ones its best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year 2018, as well as individual and collective success. May it be filled with satisfaction in both your professional and private life. >>

Interview with Mr Bernard Dormy, Chair of TREF, in November 2017

Mr Bernard Dormy finished his term of office as the Chair of the Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) (see Echo No. 242) at the end of 2017. >>


Cosmos >>

The Yacthing Club CERN celebrates its 50th anniversary this year

YCC 50th anniversary & Swiss SU Championship 2018, there’s a lot going on in the club! >>

Cine club

Wednesday 17 January 2018 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Memories of Murder >>


Le GAC organise des permanences avec entretiens individuels qui se tiennent le dernier mardi de chaque mois, sauf en juin, juillet et décembre. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le : >>


Cooperative open to international civil servants. We welcome you to discover the advantages and discounts negotiated with our suppliers either on our website or at our information office located at CERN, on the ground floor of bldg. 504, open Monday through Friday from 12.30 to 15.30. >>