CERN Accelerating science



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Présentation Technique - French version only

Tuesday 9 September PRESENTATION TECHNIQUE From 09:00 - 12:00 - bldg. 40, S2-B01 Techniques de mesure: Acquisition, analyse et présentation avec LabVIEW 7 Express National Instruments Switzerland Avec... >>

Ergonomics for users of VDU screens

(course in French) A 1/2 day course to promote awareness of the risks incurred by bad posture when working on a computer screen: backache, tired eyes, wrist pains. >>

Places available **

Places are available in the following courses: PIPES-2003 - Pratique du Sertissage de tubes métalliques et multicouches : 26. >>

News Articles

The Computer Centre gets ready for the LHC  
Peter Standley 1924 – 2003  

Official News

Joint Advisory Appeals Board  

General Information

Windows Security patch required  
Road Gregory closed between 18 and 22 August  
Teacher of primary English  
Works at building 513  
Single lane traffic in Adams road (Prévessin Site)  
Urgent need of a doctor  

Staff Association

Staff Council Meeting - French version only