CERN Accelerating science



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The LHC's equipment all in step

Over 80% of the control equipment for the LHC will be connected by a special communication network known as WorldFIP, which has been chosen for its very precise timing, excellent operating performance and robustness in difficult environments. Over 350 kilometres of this network are currently being installed in the LHC tunnel and checked for compliance with the required standards. >>

Hubert Curien (1924-2005)

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Hubert Curien, one of CERN's great supporters, who served as the President of the CERN Council between 1994 and 1996. >>

Official News

Supplementary contribution payable to the health insurance scheme for the spouse's coverage  

Training and Development

Academic Training: A walk through the LHC injector chain - POSTPONED!  
Technical Training: Places available  
Technical Tarining: C++ for Particle Physicists  
Technical Training: Annonce de nouveau cours: Utilisation des fichiers PDF avec ACROBAT 6.0  
Technical Training: New Course on Microsoft Access 2003 - ECDL Module 5  
Technical Training: ELEC-2005: Electronics in High Energy Physics  
Language Training: English Courses  

General Information

Germany at CERN  
CERN hearing day  
Traffic disruption route Einstein near building 170  

Staff Association

Hubert Curien