Technical Training: Places available

The number of places available may vary. Please check our Web site to find out the current availability.

Places are available on the following courses:

OUTLOOK (Short Course III) - Meetings and Delegation: 30.11.2005 (morning)
WORD 2003 (Short Course III) - HowTo... Work with long documents: 30.11.2005 (afternoon)
FrontPage 2003 - niveau 2 : 5 - 6.12.2005 (2 jours)
Introduction à ANSYS Classique : 6 - 9.12.2005 (4 jours)
EXCEL 2003 (Short Course II) - HowTo... Format your worksheet for printing: 7.12.2005 (morning)
AutoCAD - mise à jour d’AutoCAD 2002 à AutoCAD 2006 : 8.12.2005 (1 journée - pour les utilisateurs d’AutoCAD 2002)
PCAD Schémas - Introduction : 8 - 9.12.2005 (2 jours)
Finite State Machines in the JCOP Framework: 13 - 15.12.2005 (3 days)
PCAD PCB - Introduction : 14 - 16.12.2005 (3 jours)
ACCESS 2003 - Level 2 - ECDL AM5: 14 - 15.12.2005 (2 days)
AutoCAD 2006 - niveau 1 : 19, 20, 24 & 25.1.2006 (4 jours)
LabVIEW Basics I:  23 - 25.1.2006 (3 days)
C++ Programming Advanced - Traps and Pitfalls: 24 - 27.1.2006 (4 days)
STEP7 Programming Level 1: 24 - 27.1.2006 (4 days)
LabVIEW Basics II:  26 - 27.1.2006 (2 days)
AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 : 30 - 31.1.2006 (2 jours; suite du cours AutoCAD 2006 - niveau 1)
Joint PVSS-JCOP Framework: 30.1 - 3.2.2006 (5 days, free of charge)
Programmation STEP7 niveau 1 : 31.1 - 3.2.2006 (4 jours)
Finite State Machines in the JCOP Framework: 13 - 15.12.2005 (3 days)
The Java Programming Language Level 2: 28.2 - 3.3.2006 (4 days)
C++ for Particle Physicists: 6 - 10.3.2006 (6 lectures of 3 hours)
Java 2 Enterprise Edition Part 1: Web Applications
3 - 4.4.2006 (2 days)
Java 2 Enterprise Edition Part 2: Enterprise JavaBeans: 5 - 7.4.2006 (3 days)


by Davide Vitè