Science on stage

Science teachers can sometimes be quite humorous when it comes to explaining serious matters, as those who took part in the 'Science on Stage' festival held at CERN from 21 to 25 November were able to see for themselves. The 500 or so participants from 27 different countries, mostly science teachers but also some university lecturers, science outreach specialists and students, had the opportunity to share their experience of the teaching of science. They also attended presentations and shows, took part in workshops and visited a fair with stands offering ideas on how to make school science lessons more appealing.
The festival, organised by the EIROforum (a partnership between CERN, EFDA, ESA, ESO, EMBL, ESRF and ILL), marked the end of two years of projects for the promotion of science in virtually all European countries, and the proponents of the most exceptional in each country were selected to attend the festival.
During the festival, delegates had the opportunity to exchange ideas and teaching methods, which they and their colleagues will be able to use in their schools. 'This festival and the two years of competitions that preceded it have provided a lot of inspiration for science teachers', says Rolf Landua, Head of CERN's Education Group, which presided over the event.
To allow as many teachers as possible to benefit from the numerous ideas presented at the festival, all the demonstrations will be available on the Science on Stage website from early next year:
Click on the 'SOS 1 FESTIVAL SITE' link.
And for those of us at CERN who are interested in finding out more about the event, here are a few photos of some of the highlights: