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Chilling a giant

The CMS solenoid has been cooled down to its operating temperature of -269°C after a three-week cooling campaign. >>

Exercises in Heavy Lowering

Driving up to Point 5, one can't help but notice the impressively enormous red structure climbing up and over Building 3585. This unusual bridge-like construction is CMS'new crane, otherwise known as 'the gantry'. >>

Going for gold!

Jean-Yves Le Meur of CERN's IT Department will be competing in the Sitting Alpine Ski events at the upcoming Paralympic Winter Games. >>

Literatur zu Gast im Globe

Der deutsche Schriftsteller Thomas LEHR liest am 23. März 2006 aus seinem Roman '42', einem philosophischen Abenteuerroman über die Suche nach der Zeit, erzählt in einer funkelnden und souveränen Sprache. >>

Official News

2006 Guidelines for Advancement and Promotion  
Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France  

Training and Development

Academic Training - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges  
Academic Training: Supersymmetry and the LHC - CANCELLED!!!  
Academic Training: Toward Sustainable Energy Systems?  
Technical Training: Places available  

General Information

Temporary work for children of members of the personnel  
Work on the CERN telephone exchanges  
Vente de mouchoirs - French version only  
Blood donation  
Radioactive sources service  
Venture Leaders Prize for innovative technology projects  
L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour la profession d'assistant(e) en information documentaire - French version only  
Reminder from SC/ME to those in charge of first-aid boxes  

Staff Association

Ordinary General Assembly 2006  
MAPS, a system based on merit... really?  
Bye Bye