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Accommodating science

Construction begins on a third CERN hostel to add almost 100 more rooms for Laboratory visitors. >>

New arrivals

On Thursday 30 March 2006, members of the CERN Management welcomed recently recruited Staff Members and Fellows at the quarterly session of the Induction Programme (photographed here with Enrico CHIAVERI, HR Department). >>

Capping off installation

Installation of the cathode strip chambers for the muon system on the CMS positive endcap has been completed. >>

ALICE honours industries

The third annual ALICE Awards ceremony recognizes three companies for their contribution to the experiment's detector. >>

The redesigned Bulletin is on its way

In May, you will discover a redesigned CERN Bulletin. Starting with the first May issue (No. 19-20/2006), the format of the Bulletin will change completely. >>

Crowd gathers for phantom particles

There was a record attendance at the last Discovery Monday! Neutrinos and the CNGS facility (CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso) attracted some 300 visitors to the Microcosm. >>

CMS tracker observes muons

The first cosmic muon tracks have been observed in one of the CMS tracker endcaps. On 14 March, a sector on one of the two large tracker endcaps underwent a cosmic muon run. >>

Training and Development

Academic Training - Studying Anti-Matter  
2006-2007 Academic Training Programme Questionnaire  
Language Training  

General Information

Reminder by SC/ME to those in charge of first-aid boxes  
Shipping Service requests all users of wooden pallets  
Décès - French version only  
New Procedures for the Management of Computer Accounts  
To all members of the personnel  
Re-opening of Gate C  
Radioactive sources service  
New series of ORACLE tutorials, March-June 2006  
For information: Geneva University