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Academic Training - Studying Anti-Matter


2006-2007 Academic Training Programme Questionnaire

Please help the Academic Training Committee to plan the 2006-07 programme of lectures by filling in the 2006-07 Academic Training Programme Questionnaire, which can be found at: >>

Language Training

General and Professional French Courses The next session will take place from 8 May to 30 June (or 7 July) 2006. >>

News Articles

Accommodating science  
New arrivals  
Capping off installation  
ALICE honours industries  
The redesigned Bulletin is on its way  
Crowd gathers for phantom particles  
CMS tracker observes muons  

General Information

Reminder by SC/ME to those in charge of first-aid boxes  
Shipping Service requests all users of wooden pallets  
Décès - French version only  
New Procedures for the Management of Computer Accounts  
To all members of the personnel  
Re-opening of Gate C  
Radioactive sources service  
New series of ORACLE tutorials, March-June 2006  
For information: Geneva University