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News Articles

A global view  
CERN’s new organisational structure  
CERN and UNOSAT continue their collaboration  
Pierre Darriulat is awarded the André Lagarrigue Prize  
The LHC on Google  
CERN’s Drinking Water  
2009 events in the Globe  

Official News

Publication of administrative circular  
Adjustments to financial and social benefits  
To all members of the personnel in receipt of remuneration from cern  
Supplementary contribution for spouses and registered partners payable to the health insurance scheme  
Foreign driving licences in France  

Training and Development

CERN Academic Training Programme 2008/2009   
Language Training - French Training   
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   
CERN Technical Training : Vista !  
Technical training: AXEL-2009 - Introduction to Particle Accelerators