

The complexity behind the date

For the waiting world, and indeed for most of us here at CERN, ‘the LHC schedule’ simply means the date that the LHC will restart - and we only take notice when that end-date changes. But in fact the schedule is a constantly evolving intricate document coordinating all the repairs, consolidation and commissioning in every part of the machine. So, what actually goes on behind the scenes in timing and planning all the work on one of the most complex scientific instruments ever built? >>

20 years ago: first collisions (at LEP)

It’s been 20 years since the first electron positron collision at LEP, and I have to confess to a little self-indulgence in my message this week. >>

‘OK, I’ve finished my job now’

On 13 August 1989, the OPAL experiment saw the first Z particle at the Large Electron-Positron collider. By 20 September, the machine was ready for serious physics. It was a period of enormous satisfaction for the teams that had worked together to bring the project to fruition and for the project leader Emilio Picasso. >>

TOTEM and LHCf: refinements for the restart

Following the previous two issues, the Bulletin continues its series to find out what the six LHC experiments have been up to since last September, and how they are preparing for the restart. We covered CMS, ATLAS, LHCb and ALICE in previous issues. In this issue we will round up the past 10 months of activity at TOTEM and LHCf. >>

The latest from the LHC

The LHC will run with an energy of 3.5 TeV per beam when it starts up in November this year. The 80 K resistance measurements on the copper stabilizer of the superconducting busbars were completed in the remaining sectors, Sectors 8-1 and 2-3. >>

Student Club

They know where the work is, but where’s all the fun? CERN’s new student club provides a much-needed social outlet for all young people coming to CERN for any length of time. >>

Good-bye Summer Students 2009!

In its 47th edition, the CERN Summer Student programme has welcomed almost 200 young students from around the world. As it proves to do each year, the programme has provided a unique experience for all participants. >>

CERN’s astroparticle prepares for launch

CERN will be sending a neutralino into orbit. But how do you get a theoretical, as yet undiscovered particle into space? Well the answer is easy – ask an astronaut to take it with him! >>

A twenty-seven kilometre film

For the past two weeks, Bram Conjaerts, a Belgian filmmaker, has been touring the CERN sites and surrounding countryside conducting research for his new documentary. The film will follow the entire 27 Km length of the LHC ring, but unlike most documentaries about the LHC, it will take place mostly above ground! >>

Awards and Honours

Lyn Evans, LHC project leader and Welsh physicist, received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Glamorgan on July 14. >>

Hardronic Festival

The terrace of Restaurant 3 was once again transformed into the CERN version of Glastonbury on 25 July, for the 20th edition of the CERN Hardronic Festival. >>

Anne-Sylvie Catherin, Head of the Human Resources Department

Anne-Sylvie Catherin has been appointed Head of the Human Resources Department with effect from 1 August 2009. >>

Environmentally friendly AND cheap?

In the context of the initiative to make CERN a greener laboratory (see the Word from the DG in issue 20-21/2009 of the Bulletin), the Safety Commission’s General Safety Group has acquired CERN’s first electric bicycle. >>

Jan Nassalski

With great sadness we have learned of the sudden and unexpected passing of Jan Nassalski. Jan was a long-standing and faithful friend of CERN, a prominent figure in the deep inelastic scattering community and more recently a diligent CERN Council delegate. >>

Official News

Annual Report of the Pension Fund  
General meeting of the Pension Fund  

Training and Development

CERN Management & Communication Training programme  

General Information

Review your Computer Security Now and Frequently!  
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