Following the completion of the campaign to improve the reliability of the cabling for the new Quench Protection System, the main dipoles and quadrupoles of the eight LHC sectors have now been commissioned up to a current of 6 kAmps. In the early hours of Sunday 28 February, the beams were circulating again in the LHC: the longest run in CERN's history has just started!
Next Monday the 8th of March is International Women’s Day. In an ideal world, there would be no need for such an event – equality would be taken as read. But since the world is not there yet, let’s take the opportunity to celebrate women in physics, and indeed the full cultural diversity of our field. Perceived as a discipline dominated by men, reality has been diverging from that perception for a long time. Today at CERN, women play key roles in every aspect of the Organization’s activities.
Jean-Yves Le Meur, developer of the CERN Document Server (CDS) which manages the Organization’s electronic archives, is about to take part in his third Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver. Don’t miss him on TV from 15th March onwards !
The CERN Finance and Procurement (FP) Department handles around 35,000 internal purchase orders every year. A large number of them are processed by administrative assistant Sarah Pamelard and her two colleagues Dominique Trolliet and Laurence Fol. As you will see, this is not just any old desk job.
CERN’s educational programmes have inspired large numbers of physics teachers all over Europe to adopt innovative approaches to teaching. Becky Parker, a former participant in the High School Teachers (HST) programme, has set up the CERN@school project, in which students are using Medipix chips to study cosmic rays. They have recently designed and are building Lucid, a detector that will be launched into space in 2011.
Three years after the first CinéGlobe festival, the CERN film club has just organised a second international festival of short films and science documentaries, attended by a host of film-makers and film fans alike. Six special prizes were awarded.
The poplars on the border of CERN's Prévessin site were felled, according to plan, on Friday, 26 February. The work was essential as the trees were showing signs of serious ageing problems (broken and dead branches, weakened trunks and root systems, etc.) and needed to be felled to ensure the safety of drivers on the D35
In October last year the Communication Group proposed an interim redesign of the users’ web pages in order to improve the visibility of key news items, events and announcements to the CERN community.
An exhibit of the Angels&Demons; - the science behind the story exhibition
On 23 April, CERN will occupy a square on the great Ethnopoly board, a game being organized for 10 and 11-year-old children from the schools Meyrin and Cointrin.
A fascinating photographic survey describes the essential phases of constructing the colossal equipment to build the four main experiments.