

News Articles

LHCf sheds new light on cosmic rays  
Setting visible footprints for peace  
LHC Report: spring cleaning over, bunches of luminosity  
Cornavin station to CERN non-stop in 20 minutes  
AMS ready for launch  
New spokesperson for the LHCb collaboration  
ISOLDE gets a new laser system  
High-energy physics, the South American way  
It's all change at the Computer Centre  
Workplace safety: Let’s ask the right questions  
Mini researchers for massive experiments  
CERN’s travelling exhibition goes to Austria  
News from the Library: E-book or printed book? You can have the best of both worlds!  

Official News

Taxation in France  
Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France  
New set of Chemical Safety rules  

Training and Development

Safety Training: scheduled sessions in May  
Academic Training Lecture - Regular Programme  


CERN Shuttles – TRAM arrival – Two additional shuttles as from 2 May 2011  
Dutch School in Geneva  
Encryption is Useless!?  
Communication from the Radioactive Waste Service  
Communication from the Radioactive Shipping Service  
CERN Relay Race  
Film Presentation: CERN or the Factory for the Absolute by Jan Sacher (2010)  

Staff Association

From discussion to dismay  
Relay race  
Orienteering club  
Special offer  