


On Monday 4 July the Director-General gave his Mid-Term address to staff covering the first 912 days of him and his Team in charge of CERN. >>


... >>

Yachting club

Regattas everywhere (bis)! A fornight ago, we reported on imminent Match-Racing of the Surprises as the highlight of the season: it has now happened of course, and been written up on the Website Blog -... >>

Golf Club

Golf Initiation CERN Golf Club invites you to a golf initiation session in collaboration with the Albatross Golf Academy. >>

Cine Club

By/de : Ethan Coen and Joel Coen (USA, 1998) 117 min With/avec: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore >>

Petanque Club

Notre deuxième concours de la saison "Challenge Claude CARTERET" a eu lieu le jeudi 30 juin 2011 avec un temps magnifique et une chaleur de saison. >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le >>

Special offer

Tarif unique Adulte/Enfant >>


Echos de notre Assemblée Générale L’A.G. annuelle de la Coopérative s’est tenue le 21 juin dernier au cours de laquelle le président fit lecture du rapport... >>

News Articles

Middle East physics collaboration plans for the future  
Half term report  
LHC Report: here comes the summer!  
Science for all and all for science  
Open hardware for open science  
In conversation with Nobel Laureate Jack Steinberger  
New Head of the Users Office  
Doing business with CERN: a new website explains everything  
A glimpse into the future for 12 young scientists  
Globe exhibit wins international acclaim  
Claude Nicollier visits CERN  
Paving new roads for scholarly communication  
Science journalists learn of scientific renaissance at Doha conference  
The 47th CERN Football Club Outdoor Tournament (2011)  
Summer students, the CERN Library is a cool place to be...  
Holidays Come - Passwords Go  

Official News

Information concerning the results of the concerted work stoppage on 22 June 2011 (from 8-30 to 12-30)  


Blood donation  
Protecting your files on the DFS file system