

News Articles

Measuring past a micron...  
The start of the harvest  
LHC Report: Rocky Recovery  
ELENA prepares a bright future for antimatter research  
Strengthening the link between science and society  
BlogForever: Intelligent Blog Preservation  
Looking at CERN from a different perspective  
The Google Science Fair winner comes to CERN  
Product Lifecycle Management: CERN to host an important international conference  
CERN takes over the EIROforum Chairmanship  
e-EPS News: Consultation on European Research, Innovation & Gender  
The “Theoreticals” Pack  
First ‘Gentner Doktor’ finishes PhD at CERN  
Two national teams train at CERN  
1000 passwords exposed, what about yours?  
Ombuds’ corner: Fear of retaliation?  
News from the Library: Ebooks: 15,000 and counting  

Official News

Annual General Meeting of the Pension Fund  
Preventing thefts and wilful damage  

Training and Development

Summer Oral Expression English Course  


Electronic individual breakdown of pension rights and/or transfer value  
New Lifecycle for Firewall Openings  
Publication of the Bulletin in August  
CERN Mobility Survey  

Staff Association

Table Tennis Club  
Cine Club  
Record Club  
Fitness club  
Croquet & lawn bowls  
Cricket club  
Special offer  