e-EPS News: Highlights from the European Physical Society
e-EPS News is a monthly addition to the CERN Bulletin line-up, showcasing articles from e-EPS – the European Physical Society newsletter – as part of a collaboration between the two publications.
European Physical Society Physics Education Division
Since 2000, the European Physical Society’s Physics Education Division has been contributing to awareness of the relevance of physics in everyday culture, to interaction amongst schools and universities and to a better quality of physics teaching at all levels.
The Physics Education Division achieves this by addressing and promoting physics, the continued education of teachers, large scale educational changes – such as the Bologna process – and successful new teaching methods, taking into account differences and similarities in the European education systems. Since 2008, their More Understanding with Simple Experiments (MUSE) project has offered teachers and researchers a set of nine research-based, free, downloadable materials – characterised by added value in education.
For more information about the division, read the full version of this text here.
Report on European gender consultation
The European Gender Summit has published the results of its Public Consultation on the Future of Gender and Innovation in Europe.
The consultation was designed to complement the European Commission Green Paper ‘From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation Funding’, and is hoped will contribute to a better understanding of how Europe can enhance its research and innovation systems, through the addressing of gender issues.
For more information, and to download the full report, please visit the European Gender Summit website.
New European Physical Society Facebook page
The European Physical Society has just launched its new Facebook page, at facebook.com/europeanphysicalsociety. Here you will be able to keep up with all the current news from the European Physical Society – and the articles here on e-EPS – from the comfort of your own Facebook account. Or, if you prefer, you can also follow the European Physical Society on Twitter, on Google+, through our RSS Feed or our email subscription service.