Summer students, Higgs bosons or something else entirely? The choice is yours
At the beginning of my mandate, I undertook to write a message in each issue of the Bulletin, and I’ve been true to my word. Over the last three years, I’ve spoken about everything from LHC physics to summer student programmes. But now I think the time has come to ask you what you’d like me to write about in my bi-weekly messages to the CERN community.
Next year will not be short of subject matter. We’ll have the final word on the Standard Model Higgs, discussions about the long-term future of the LHC, and the development of global particle physics. For those of you based at CERN, local concerns might be of interest: how are we developing our relationship with our neighbours, and what plans do we have in mind for the Prévessin site? These are just some of my thoughts. I’m sure you’ll have many others.
Whatever you’re interested in, drop a line to with your suggestions. Although I doubt I’ll be able to respond to them all, I will answer the most popular requests during the course of the year. For my final message this year, I’ll be reporting on highlights from the December Council meeting.
Rolf Heuer