

Over assizes : building a strong team for 2012

After each election of the staff representatives, the Staff Association organizes its Assizes two days bringing together all delegates. >>


Japan Horn of Africa ... >>


Following the recent disasters in Japan and Pakistan, Eastern Turkey is the latest region to have been hit by a violent earthquake. >>

Long-Term Collections

We hope that you will welcome them warmly. >>


Lundi 12 décembre 2011 à 18:30 Salle du Conseil Comme chaque année avant Noël, le CINE-CLUB du CERN est heureux d’inviter petits et grands à une projection gratuite... >>

CERN Choir

... >>

Record Club November  Selections Just in time for the holiday season, we have added a number of new CDs and DVDs into the Club. >>


... >>


Have you already heard about the Atomiades? >>


Nouveau !!! >>

News Articles

RP delves underground  
Summer students, Higgs bosons or something else entirely? The choice is yours  
LHC Report: Positive ion run!  
#JOBS #CERN - hashtags for your career  
Muon’s (g-2): the obstinate deviation from the Standard Model  
Astroparticle physics in Europe gets a new roadmap  
New childcare solution helps CERN’s global community  
CERN firefighters have got your back covered  
Enter FameLab and become the new face of science in Switzerland  
e-EPS News: Highlights from the European Physical Society  
Origins: science inspires art  
The Slate Garden  
You've received a Hallmark E-Card? Delete it!  
Ombuds’ corner: A simple confidential discussion can help  
News from the Library: CERN Bookshop Christmas sales  


Information from the Registration Service  
Car stickers for 2012  
CERN Shop Christmas sale -10%  
Mail Office  
Your Office software is evolving – use its full potential!  
Bulletin publication schedule  
Reduced heating level during the end-of-year closure (from December 14, 2011 to January 4, 2012)  
Restaurants closed over Christmas  
Collide@CERN is looking for mentors  
CERN car sharing scheme now open to everyone  


A lecture by Saul Perlmutter, winner of the 2011 Nobel prize in physics