News Articles
Official News
Staff Association
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Issue No. 49-50/2011 - Monday 5 December 2011
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From the Editorial Content Development Section
Section Développement de contenus éditoriaux
Over assizes : building a strong team for 2012
After each election of the staff representatives, the Staff Association organizes its Assizes two days bringing together all delegates.
Japan Horn of Africa ...
Following the recent disasters in Japan and Pakistan, Eastern Turkey is the latest region to have been hit by a violent earthquake.
Long-Term Collections
We hope that you will welcome them warmly.
Lundi 12 décembre 2011 à 18:30 Salle du Conseil Comme chaque année avant Noël, le CINE-CLUB du CERN est heureux d’inviter petits et grands à une projection gratuite...
CERN Choir
Record Club November Selections Just in time for the holiday season, we have added a number of new CDs and DVDs into the Club.
Have you already heard about the Atomiades?
Nouveau !!!
News Articles
RP delves underground
Summer students, Higgs bosons or something else entirely? The choice is yours
LHC Report: Positive ion run!
#JOBS #CERN - hashtags for your career
Muon’s (g-2): the obstinate deviation from the Standard Model
Astroparticle physics in Europe gets a new roadmap
New childcare solution helps CERN’s global community
CERN firefighters have got your back covered
Enter FameLab and become the new face of science in Switzerland
e-EPS News: Highlights from the European Physical Society
Origins: science inspires art
The Slate Garden
You've received a Hallmark E-Card? Delete it!
Ombuds’ corner: A simple confidential discussion can help
News from the Library: CERN Bookshop Christmas sales
Information from the Registration Service
Car stickers for 2012
CERN Shop Christmas sale -10%
Mail Office
Your Office software is evolving – use its full potential!
Bulletin publication schedule
Reduced heating level during the end-of-year closure (from December 14, 2011 to January 4, 2012)
Restaurants closed over Christmas
Collide@CERN is looking for mentors
CERN car sharing scheme now open to everyone
A lecture by Saul Perlmutter, winner of the 2011 Nobel prize in physics