CERN Accelerating science



Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

To all members of personnel in receipt of remuneration from CERN

In 2013, net monthly remuneration will be paid into individual bank accounts on the following dates: >>

Administrative circular n°3 (Rev. 2) – Home leave, travel to home station and assimilated leave and travel

Administrative Circular No. 3 (Rev. 2) entitled “Home leave, travel to the home station and assimilated leave and travel”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 11 October 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department. >>

Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights

In accordance with the Status Agreements with CERN, Switzerland and France facilitate the entry of members of the Organization’s personnel on to their territories.  Where relevant, detailed procedures for obtaining visas apply. >>

Official holidays in 2013 and end-of-year closure 2013/2014 (Application of Articles R II 4.38 and R II 4.39 of the Staff Regulations)

Official holidays in 2013 (in addition to the special leave during the annual closure): >>

CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) Monthly Contributions – Changes for 2013

Following the 2010 five-yearly review of financial and social conditions, which included the CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS), the CERN Council decided in December 2010 to progressively increase the level of contributions over the period 2011-2015. >>

Operational circular No.10 – Principles and procedures governing investigation of fraud

Operational Circular No. 10 entitled “Principles and procedures governing investigation of Fraud”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 4 December 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department. >>

CERN anti-fraud policy

In 2011, a working group on improved fraud prevention and management was established. The group was composed of the Director of Administration and General Infrastructure, the Head of the Human Resources Department, and the Heads of the Legal Service and Internal Audit. It recommended the adoption of a global fraud prevention and management policy. >>

Administrative circular No.14 (Rev. 3) – Protection of members of the personnel against the financial consequences of illness, accident and incapacity for work

Administrative Circular No. 14 (Rev. 3) entitled “Protection of members the personnel against the financial consequences of illness, accident and incapacity for work”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 19 April 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department. >>

Extension of the pre-retirement programmes

Following a recommendation by the Standing Concertation Commitee at its meeting on 4 December 2012 and approval by the Director-General, please note that: >>

News Articles

Longer - Faster - Purer  
A lot to look forward to  
LHC Report: Ion Age  
Therapeutic use of radioactive isotopes  
The SciencePAD treasure hunt of Persistent Identifiers  
ISOLDE’s rarest isotopes  
Medical imaging projects meet at CERN  
A Short Tale of the Black Sheep of -ITY  
Ombuds’ corner: Consider mediation - some rules  
News from the Library: Microsoft products no longer on sale at the Bookshop  
Gordon Fraser (1943-2013)  
Paul Levaux (1931-2012)  
Max Reinharz (1923-2012)  

Training and Development

Technical training: places available  


Visit ISOLDE!  
Revolution when logging into CERN: the new Single Sign-On Portal  
TPG: Unireso travel cards soon to be available for purchase at CERN  
Group Life Insurance  
CERN School of Computing enriches its portfolio of events: first thematic CSC next spring  


Séminaire de physique corpusculaire | 6 February  
Lift 2013⎜February 6 to 8  
FameLab is back!  

Staff Association

Bien Préparer la prochaine quinquennale  
Cine Club  
Yoga club  
Ski club  
Solar club  
TPG bus passes  
Dancing Club