

World-record current in the MgB2 superconductor

In the framework of the High-Luminosity LHC project, experts from the CERN Superconductors team recently obtained a world-record current of 20 kA at 24 K in an electrical transmission line consisting of two 20-metre long cables made of Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) superconductor. This result makes the use of such technology a viable solution for long-distance power transportation. >>

Taking CERN and ESA technology to the World’s largest industry fair

Signed just two weeks ago, the new CERN-ESA agreement is already bearing fruit. This week, our two organisations went to the World’s leading industrial fair, the Hannover Messe, with a joint stand showcasing technologies derived from particle physics and space research. >>

LS1 Report: alive and kicking!

Following eleven months of meticulous maintenance and consolidation works, the LHC's extraction kicker magnets (MKDs) and its pulse generators are back in the accelerator for a new phase of tests. Used to dump the beam, these kicker magnets are essential for the safety of the machine. >>

Physics at 13 TeV: ALICE - scratching under the surface

ALICE’s wonderland materialises where the lead-lead ultrarelativistic collisions happen in the LHC. With a jump of over one order of magnitude in collision energy from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and using state-of-the-art detectors, the experiment studies the quark-gluon plasma, a state of matter that existed during the Universe’s infancy. >>

Physics at 13 TeV: LHCb - a new data-processing strategy

Originally, the LHCb detector was designed for operation with moderate luminosity and low pile-up. However, in 2010, the collaboration opted for “luminosity levelling”, a novel solution which allows the experiment to adapt automatically to normal variations in luminosity which occur during an LHC run. >>

Physics at 13 TeV: TOTEM - a new era of collaboration with CMS

When two protons collide, the simplest thing that can happen is that they emerge with no loss of energy but with a slight change of direction. This is an example of "elastic scattering”. Sometimes they lose some energy instead, a process called central diffraction, one of the diffractive phenomena that the Totem experiment observes in order to study gluon-gluon interactions. >>

(Radio)active participation

This year, for the first time, CERN hosted the Rencontres internationales lycéennes de la radioprotection: a three-day event in which some 200 students from 16 schools in France and elsewhere came together to discuss the topic of radiation protection and to deepen their understanding of the field. >>

2014 FameLab heat: CERN welcomes 11 new stars of science communication!

The 2014 Swiss heat of the popular FameLab competition took place Thursday, 27 March at CERN. 11 young researchers from CERN, the Universities of Geneva, Lausanne and Neuchâtel, and the EPFL competed for the sought-after title of FameLab finalist. The winner and the four runners-up will participate in the Masterclass and the Swiss final, and just one will go on to represent Switzerland at the international Cheltenham Science Festival in the UK. Some of the participants share their feedback with us. >>

Full speed ahead!

When he’s not working at CERN, Jean-Yves Le Meur is a top-level skier. Fresh from the Winter Paralympics in Sochi and the French disability snowsport championship, he has agreed to answer a few questions. >>

Another successful Doctoral Student Assembly

On Wednesday 2 April, CERN hosted its third Doctoral Student Assembly in the Council Chamber. >>

ELENA gets a roof over its head

Today, Friday 11 April, CERN inaugurated the ELENA building (393) after less than a year's construction work. >>

Behind the scenes of GS: Open Sesame!

The section in the GS-IS Group responsible for running the CERN Stores processes hundreds of orders per day, checks the quality of each and every product and is responsible for warehousing thousands of items available in a richly-stocked catalogue. >>

Computer Security: Bye, Bye, Windows XP security... Welcome infections!

Rest in peace, Windows XP. Since your birth on 25 October 2001, you have struggled hard to survive this harsh Internet world. You fell prey to “Melissa”, “Sasser” and “Conficker”, and brought CERN its last large-scale infection with “Blaster” in 2004.  >>

Official News

Taxation in France: Memorandum concerning the annual internal taxation certificate and the declaration of income for 2013  
Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights  

Training and Development

Places Available: How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Horizon 2020  
Language courses  
Technical training: places available  
Safety Training: places available in April 2014  


Voice over IP phone calls from your smartphone  
The 37th CERN School of Computing visits Portugal: Apply now!  
Prévessin site – Pedestrian and cycle entrances  


CERN Library | Author Talk: Quinn Slobodian | 15 April  

Staff Association

The CERN Pension Fund: an eternal challenge  
Vente d'artisanat  
Dancing Club  