
Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

Taxation in France: Memorandum concerning the annual internal taxation certificate and the declaration of income for 2013

You are reminded that the Organization levies an internal tax on the financial and family benefits it pays to the members of the personnel (see Chapter V, Section 2 of the Staff Rules and Regulations) and that the members of the personnel are exempt from national taxation on salaries and emoluments paid by CERN. >>

Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights

In accordance with the Status Agreements with CERN, Switzerland and France facilitate the entry of members of the Organization’s personnel onto their territories. Where relevant, detailed procedures for obtaining visas apply. >>

News Articles

World-record current in the MgB2 superconductor  
Taking CERN and ESA technology to the World’s largest industry fair  
LS1 Report: alive and kicking!  
Physics at 13 TeV: ALICE - scratching under the surface  
Physics at 13 TeV: LHCb - a new data-processing strategy  
Physics at 13 TeV: TOTEM - a new era of collaboration with CMS  
(Radio)active participation  
2014 FameLab heat: CERN welcomes 11 new stars of science communication!  
Full speed ahead!  
Another successful Doctoral Student Assembly  
ELENA gets a roof over its head  
Behind the scenes of GS: Open Sesame!  
Computer Security: Bye, Bye, Windows XP security... Welcome infections!  

Training and Development

Places Available: How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Horizon 2020  
Language courses  
Technical training: places available  
Safety Training: places available in April 2014  


Voice over IP phone calls from your smartphone  
The 37th CERN School of Computing visits Portugal: Apply now!  
Prévessin site – Pedestrian and cycle entrances  


CERN Library | Author Talk: Quinn Slobodian | 15 April  

Staff Association

The CERN Pension Fund: an eternal challenge  
Vente d'artisanat  
Dancing Club  