

New LHCb Management readies for run 2 challenges

As of 1 July, LHCb, one of the four biggest experiments at the LHC, will have a new Management. Ahead are the huge challenges of run 2 and the following long technical shutdown during which LHCb will undergo a major upgrade. In the meantime, the discovery of new physics could be a dream within reach… >>

A report from Council

The June meeting of Council is always a very busy one, having approval of the next year’s budget and the MTP as fixed agenda points. This year in addition, we had discussions on enlargement, as well as on the pension fund. I’d like to use this message to bring you up to date on all of those matters. >>

LS1 Report: PS beams are back!

For the first time in over 15 months, there are beams back in the PS. Making their first tour of the accelerator today, 20 June, their injection marks the end of weeks of cold checkouts and hardware commissioning in the PS. >>

Profile of a science comic strip author

After studying visual arts, Lison Bernet worked as a lock keeper, waitress, grape picker, farm labourer and chef before finally returning to her first love: drawing. Today a scientific illustrator, Lison is the author of the cartoon strip "La BD du LHC", which she draws every month for LHC France (by CNRS/IN2P3 and CEA/Irfu, see here). >>

The 44th success of the CERN Relay Race

On Thursday 5 June, 590 people (8 Nordic walkers and 97 teams of 6 runners each) took part in the 44th CERN Relay Race. >>

Commissaire Moulin visits CERN

The French actor and film-maker Yves Rénier was shown around the Laboratory on Friday 6 June by friends at CERN. >>

New arrivals

On Tuesday 10 June, recently-recruited staff members and fellows participated in a session in the framework of the Induction Programme. >>

Behind the scenes of GS: there’s only one way to go

At CERN, all of the Laboratory’s imports and exports are routed in the same way: through the Logistics Service. This GS-IS Group service is responsible for receiving, inspecting and distributing all goods sent to the Organization. >>

Computer Security: protect CERN - respect copyrights

Are you a physicist who does complex mathematical calculations? Are you a webmaster who regularly embeds visual contents? Do you regularly present to large audiences? Are you an engineer who does sophisticated simulations of heat transfers, structural stability or electric circuits? Are you a technician who often uses CAD software? Do you like listening to music while being at CERN? Go ahead! >>

Ombud's Corner: unexpected turn in the conversation?

Regular informal conversations with colleagues play a very important part in weaving the fabric of team spirit. They allow us to build the working relationships that are vital to the success of our projects and to create an environment of good will that is instrumental in averting potential conflict or crises. However, sometimes they can come with unexpected surprises… >>

Last places available for the CERN Science Camp for kids

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CERN Clubs week | 23 - 29 June

To celebrate CERN’s 60th anniversary, come and take part in the many activities organised by the CERN Clubs from 23 to 29 June! All activities are free of charge. >>

Official News

Amendments to the rules of the CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) - Edition 1 January 2012  

Training and Development

Safety training: places available in June  


2014 CERN Accelerator Schools: Plasma Wake Acceleration  
Discover the new envelopes commemorating CERN’s 60th anniversary  
Last places available for the CERN Science Camp for kids  


CERN Clubs week | 23 - 29 June  
Université de Genève | Physics Colloquium | 23 June  
Conference | The Big Bang and the interfaces of knowledge: towards a common understanding of Truth? | 25 June  
Public Lecture | Making the most of your presentation | By Jean-Luc Doumont | 26 June  
60 years of CERN at UNESCO | Don't miss the webcast! | 1 July  
Conference | From Mars to the Multiverse | By Lord Martin Rees | 3 July  
Accelerating Innovation... in Medicine | Seminar by Eleanor Blakely | 10 July  
Blood donation | 22 and 23 July  
Collide@CERN: on 10 July, don't miss the public lecture by Ryoji Ikeda, CERN's new artist in residence  
Exhibition | Microcosm | 11 June - 19 December | Free Entrance  

Staff Association

Meeting on 19 June: Well done!  
Dancing Club  
Kayak Club  
Nouveau Partenaire  