Italy's Prime Minister visits CERN
On Tuesday, 7 July 2015, the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Matteo Renzi, visited CERN. He was accompanied by a delegation that included Italy's Minister for Education, University and Research, Stefania Giannini.
The Prime Minister was welcomed by members of the CERN Management together with former CERN Director-General and Senator for Life of the Italian Republic, Carlo Rubbia.
After a brief general introduction to CERN’s activities by Rolf Heuer, the Italian delegation visited LHC Point 1. After a tour of the ATLAS control room, they donned helmets to visit the ATLAS experimental area and the LHC tunnel.
Prime Minister Renzi and Minister Giannini then met a group of young Italian scientists working at CERN, taking a moment to shake hands and exchange ideas. Afterwards, the Prime Minister addressed CERN's Italian community in the Council Chamber, where he expressed his pride in their excellent work.