Télétravail ou travail à distance, aménagement des horaires de travail et autres évolutions favorables à un meilleur équilibre vie privée et vie professionnelle sont adoptés par nombre d’entreprises et d’organisations !
In the context of the sixtieth anniversary of the Staff Association, we asked former presidents to tell us about their years of Presidency. We continue in this issue of Echo with the contribution of Franco Francia.
Following the devastating Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines in autumn 2013, a collection of funds to help the victims was organised at CERN. An amount of 16 950 CHF had been contributed and was forwarded to Caritas Switzerland.
Wednesday 22 July 2015 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber A Beautiful Mind Directed by Ron Howard USA, 2001, 135 minutes From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash experienced it all.