

Of vacuum and gas

A new LHCb programme is delving into uncharted waters for the LHC: exploring how protons interact with noble gases inside the machine pipe. While, at first glance, it may sound risky for the overall quality of the vacuum in the machine, the procedure is safe and potentially very rich in rewards. The results could uncover the high-energy helium-proton cross-section (with all the implications thereof), explore new boundaries of the quark-gluon plasma and much more. >>

Putting science at the heart of European policy

One year ago, the incoming European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker shocked the scientific world by scrapping the post of Chief Scientific Advisor. This week, the Commission made amends by launching a well-considered Scientific Advisory Mechanism (SAM) that not only puts science back at the heart of policy, but does so in a much more structured and robust way than conferring such responsibility on a single individual.   >>

LHC Report: studies for the future

The proton run finished in the morning of Wednesday, 4 November and was followed by five days of Machine Development period, just before the start of the Technical Stop on Monday, 9 November. A lot of lessons have been learned and this opens the way to providing higher luminosity to the experiments.  >>

A boost for the ISOLDE beams

The first HIE-ISOLDE cryomodule was commissioned at the end of October. The radioactive ion beams can now be accelerated to 4.3 MeV per nucleon. >>

LEP’s legacy continues at the ESS

The last components of a radio-frequency (RF) power station equipped with a LEP klystron were recently shipped to the city of Lund in Sweden. The station will be used as an integration test stand at the European Spallation Source (ESS), with the purpose of training ESS engineers for the setting up of 154 RF stations needed in Lund. >>


TALENT is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) project coordinated by CERN and funded under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. From 23 to 25 November, the project’s participants will present their achievements at the final event that will be held at IdeaSquare. >>

CERN’s job diversity on display at the Cité des Métiers

From 3 to 8 November, CERN took part in the Cité des Métiers careers fair in Geneva. Almost 10,000 people stopped by the Organization’s stand, where they were introduced to the wide range of professions practised at CERN. >>

Open Access e-books come into play

According to the Directory of Open Access Journals, more than 10,000 journals are available on an open access (OA) basis. Building on this success, e-books are also now becoming available under this popular publishing scheme, proving that open access is steadily gaining momentum in scholarly scientific communication. >>

From the CERN web: Photowalk, IPPOG and more

This section highlights articles, blog posts and press releases published in the CERN web environment over the past weeks. This way, you won’t miss a thing... >>

Computer Security: confidentiality is everybody’s business

Recently, a zip file with confidential information was mistakenly made public on one of CERN’s websites. Although the file was only intended for members of an internal committee, when placing it onto the CERN website, someone made a mistake when setting the access permissions and, thus, made the file accessible to everyone visiting the site! >>

Ombud’s Corner: sexual harassment - who is concerned?

About one year since I last covered the topic of sexual harassment, I am returning to this theme again as it continues to be raised in the Ombud office. This trend is likely to continue as long as everyday sexism and harassment remain hidden and our workplace culture persists in turning a blind eye to these issues…  >>

Temporary reintroduction of border controls at French borders inside the Schengen Area

The French authorities have informed CERN that, in view of the upcoming COP21 Paris Climate Conference, France will exceptionally reintroduce controls at its borders with Schengen states for one month from 13 November to 13 December 2015. All border posts and crossing points between France and Switzerland will be affected by this measure. >>

CERN Shop Christmas Sale

... >>

TEDxCERN presents TEDYouth 2015

On Saturday, 14 November at IdeaSquare, TEDxCERN is going to live webcast the first session of TEDYouth 2015. >>

Official News

Temporary reintroduction of border controls at French borders inside the Schengen Area  
Family benefits - Obligation to provide information  

Training and Development

Places available – Leadership programme (up to the end of 2015)  
Places available - Personal development and communication courses (up to the end of 2015)  
Safety Training: places available in November and December 2015  
Preparing for retirement - new seminars  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  


CERN’s 2016 Beamline for Schools competition starts on 17 November  
Moment of reflection  
CERN Shop Christmas Sale  
Please exercise extreme caution at the Saint-Genis roundabout  
Vaccination against seasonal flu  


TEDxCERN presents TEDYouth 2015  
CERN Library | Konrad Kleinknecht presents: "Risiko Energiewende: Wege aus der Sackgasse" | 19 November  
University of Geneva | Conferences in November  
CERN openlab to host innovation and entrepreneurship event | 26 November  

Staff Association

Results of the 2015 Elections  
Cine Club  