
Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

Temporary reintroduction of border controls at French borders inside the Schengen Area

The French authorities have informed CERN that, in view of the upcoming COP21 Paris Climate Conference, France will exceptionally reintroduce controls at its borders with Schengen states for one month from 13 November to 13 December 2015. All border posts and crossing points between France and Switzerland will be affected by this measure. >>

Family benefits - Obligation to provide information

Pursuant to Article R V 1.38 of the Staff Regulations, members of the personnel are reminded that they are required to inform the Organization in writing, within 30 calendar days, of any change in their family situation (marriage, partnership, birth of a child, etc.) and of the amount of any financial benefit of a similar nature to those provided for in the Staff Regulations (e.g. family allowance, child allowance, infant allowance, non-resident allowance or international indemnity) to which they or a member of their family may be entitled from a source other than CERN. >>

News Articles

Of vacuum and gas  
Putting science at the heart of European policy  
LHC Report: studies for the future  
A boost for the ISOLDE beams  
LEP’s legacy continues at the ESS  
CERN’s job diversity on display at the Cité des Métiers  
Open Access e-books come into play  
From the CERN web: Photowalk, IPPOG and more  
Computer Security: confidentiality is everybody’s business  
Ombud’s Corner: sexual harassment - who is concerned?  

Training and Development

Places available – Leadership programme (up to the end of 2015)  
Places available - Personal development and communication courses (up to the end of 2015)  
Safety Training: places available in November and December 2015  
Preparing for retirement - new seminars  
Places available - Technical management courses (up to the end of 2015)  


CERN’s 2016 Beamline for Schools competition starts on 17 November  
Moment of reflection  
CERN Shop Christmas Sale  
Please exercise extreme caution at the Saint-Genis roundabout  
Vaccination against seasonal flu  


TEDxCERN presents TEDYouth 2015  
CERN Library | Konrad Kleinknecht presents: "Risiko Energiewende: Wege aus der Sackgasse" | 19 November  
University of Geneva | Conferences in November  
CERN openlab to host innovation and entrepreneurship event | 26 November  

Staff Association

Results of the 2015 Elections  
Cine Club  