

Annex A1: cornerstone of the five-yearly review

As a reminder; the purpose of the five-yearly review is to review the financial and social conditions of all CERN personnel whether employed (MPE) or associated (MPA)! >>


Christian Roy nous a quitté le 31 janvier dernier. Il avait 79 ans. Sa disparition a profondément touché tous ceux, très nombreux, qui l’ont côtoyé et fréquenté au cours de sa très longue carrière au CERN. >>

Nursery School

Enrolments 2016-2017 Enrolments for the school year 2016-2017 to the Nursery, the Nursery school and the school will take place on 7, 8 and 9 March 2016 from 8 to 10 am at the Nursery School. >>

Cine club

Wednesday 17 February 2016 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Knockin' on Heaven's Door Directed by Thomas Jahn Germany, 1997, 87 minutes Two young men, Martin and Rudi, both suffering from terminal cancer, get to know each other in a hospital room. >>

Petanque club

Le vendredi 29 janvier 2016 au boulodrome de La Queue d'Arve à Genève dans le cadre des rencontres Inter-Nations se déroulait le Masters A où notre équipe CERN... >>

English Book Club

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Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. >>


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News Articles

The discovery uncovered  
Congratulations on the direct detection of gravitational waves  
Latest news from the YETS: On the home straight, handover to operations in sight  
Augmented reality for improved safety  
AWAKE’s plasma cell arrives at its destination  
When ideas grow up  
Love science? Tell us about it and win!  
From the CERN web: gravitational waves, magic numbers, innovation and more  
Computer Security: I know where you have been… since forever!  

Official News

Summer work for children of members of the personnel  

Training and Development

Technical training: RF superconductivity and accelerator cavity applications  
MAD-X Training Course – 2016  
Safety Training: places available in February 2016  


Reclaiming unused IPv4 addresses  
Upcoming opening of CERN's new Mobility Centre  
CERN’s Prévessin site post office  
Registration of vehicles at the Gex sous-préfecture: now by appointment only  
Fourth Thematic CERN School of Computing  
2016 CERN-JINR European School of High-Energy Physics  
Where students turn into teachers: the 9th Inverted CERN School of Computing  


Event for the launch of the Georges Charpak postage stamp | 26-27 February | Prévessin site  
Lecture | Accelerating innovation... in medicine: sound for health | 16 February