Let’s focus on our Nursery school!
In the 241st issue of Echo, the Staff Association shared its concerns about the future of the CERN Nursery school. Indeed, the EVEE ‘Espace de vie Enfantine et École’ has faced significant financial difficulties in the last few years. According to an audit carried out in 2015, overall the management is sound, but the report shows that the potential gains are not sufficient to restore budgetary balance. Naturally, the EVEE is turning to CERN in order for the Organization to increase its commitment to ensure the sustainability of this structure which is crucial for the lives of many CERN families.
To this end, a joint working group has been set up by Martin Steinacher, Director for Finance and Human Resources, who has given the mandate (see below) and established the composition of the group.
This joint working group being technical in nature, it will also be necessary to hold political discussions between the Staff Association and the Management.
An internal working group of the Staff Association has been established and the issue will be discussed in the Staff Council as well.
Conclusions considering both technical and political aspects should be reached before February 2017, so that they can be implemented in time for the start of the 2017–2018 school year.
We will provide you with regular updates on this issue. We know that the common goal is to preserve at CERN a welcoming structure which offers high quality care for our children.
CERN Nursery Services Working Group (WG) – Terms of Reference The purpose of the WG is to elaborate – in a most open and broad way – the best solutions to guarantee the sustainability of CERN nursery services. The WG reports to the Director of Finances and Human Resources who will inform the President of the Staff Association. The WG shall
The proposed solutions shall include the study of an appropriate and balanced funding model for all stakeholders, including the parents. The action plan of the WG should make it possible to implement the proposed solutions as necessary for them to be in effect from the school-year 2017-2018. In addition, the review shall take account of: