

Working safely with electronics racks

Think of CERN and you’ll probably think of particle accelerators and detectors. These are the tools of the trade in particle physics, but behind them are the racks of electronics that include power supplies, control systems and data acquisition networks. >>

Bike to work safely (follow-up)

Following a recent article about safe cycling (see here), the Bulletin received a request for more details on the type of accidents that are reported. >>

IT User Community Survey

IT-CDA is gathering information to more accurately form a snapshot of the CERN IT user community and we would appreciate you taking time to complete the following survey. >>

Exceptional closure of the Medical Service on 11 October

Please note that the Medical Service (infirmary, doctors, psychologist and secretariat) will be closed all day on Tuesday, 11 October 2016. >>

Heating being put into service

The SMB-SE group would like to inform you that, the central heating will start this year, on Monday 3 October 2016, and will be progressively and depending on the weather forecast put into service throughout. >>

CERN Accelerator School - Beam injection, extraction and transfer

Registration is now open for the CERN Accelerator School’s specialised course to be held in Erice, Italy, from 10 to 19 March, 2017. >>

2017 European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) - Registrations

The registrations for the 2017 session of the European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) are now open. >>

2017 Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) - Registrations

The registrations for the 2017 session of the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) are now open. >>

Modifications sur l'autoroute A1 - secteur Genève Aéroport

Depuis le 15 septembre 2016, la sortie n°6 de l’autoroute A1, située au niveau de Genève Aéroport en provenance de Lausanne, sera remplacée par une entrée. Les usagers en provenance de Lausanne utiliseront ainsi la sortie n°7, précédant la sortie n°6, pour se rendre à l’aéroport. Ce changement a pour but de fluidifier le trafic sur les routes de l’aéroport et de Pré-Bois. >>

Network migration for printers

Further to the recent General Purpose (office) Network reorganisation (as announced in the Bulletin - see here), please note that the majority of print devices will be automatically migrated to the new network IP address range on Tuesday 27 September. >>

Register now for ISOTDAQ 2017

The International School of Trigger and Data Acquisition (ISOTDAQ) 2017 is the eighth in a series of International Schools dedicated to introducing MSc and PhD students to the "arts and crafts" of triggering and acquiring data for physics experiments. >>

New location of the Learning and Development group

The HR-LD group would like to inform you that, owing to renovations, the service currently located on the fourth floor of Building 5 will be moving to the first floor of Building 653 for around eight months from September 2016. >>

New AIDA-2020 call for breakthrough detector technologies

Physicists, engineers, and industry will be interested in a new proof-of-concept fund for breakthrough projects from the general field of detector development and testing. >>

News Articles

Beamline for Schools 2016: How to be a CERN scientist  
CERN & Society – Spreading our spirit of scientific curiosity  
LHC Report: LHC smashes collision records  
Looking for charming asymmetries  
A new building for testing magnets  
Netherlands in the spotlight at the ENLIGHT meeting on particle therapy  
New arrivals  
Computer Security: Android’s Armageddon… Reloaded  
Nicolas Delruelle (1965 - 2016)  

Official News

SAFETY ALERT - Failure of brass non-return valves in gas point installations  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund | 26 October  

Training and Development

Upcoming training sessions (up to end October) - Places available  


Exhibition for the 45 years of the Long-Term Collections | 11-14 October | Main building  
Humanitarian Hackathon @CERN | 14-16 October | Are you ready?  

Staff Association

Thank you for attending our public meeting on 22 September!  
Long-Term Collections  
Nicolas Delruelle 1965 - 2016  
Offre pour nos membres  
CERN MicroClub  
CERN Photo club  
CERN Martial Arts Club - Taekwondo Section  
Cine club  
Petanque club  