

Thank you for attending our public meeting on 22 September!

Many thanks to all of you who accepted the Staff Association’s invitation for Thursday, 22 September. >>

Long-Term Collections

CERN personnel have been helping the least fortunate people on the planet since 1971. How? >>

Nicolas Delruelle 1965 - 2016

In Memoriam Nicolas Delruelle >>


We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Janine Rivals, Honoray Vice-President of AMFIE, and Mrs. Gabriele Strupp, Business Development Manager for AMFIE, will be at CERN in Geneva for a Presentation... >>

Offre pour nos membres

Walibi Rhône-Alpes accueille son événement Halloween FreakShow le week-end du 15 et 16 octobre puis tous les jours du 20 octobre au 02 novembre 2016 ! ouverture prolongée jusqu’à... >>

CERN MicroClub

Le CERN Micro Club (en partenariat avec Google Education et EU Code Week) organise un évènement éducatif exceptionnel autour de trois kits scientifiques basés sur le mini-ordinateur Raspberry Pi : >>

CERN Photo club

The CERN Photo Club organizes in collaboration with Canon Switzerland a photo contest open to all members of the CERN (Persons with a CERN access card). >>

CERN Martial Arts Club - Taekwondo Section

Saturday 24th September: 120 people from all over Switzerland traveled to Lausanne to compete in the 19th Swiss Taekwondo Poomsae Championships. Accompanied by their trainer, Pascal Norek (5th Dan Taekwondo Master), six people from the Taekwondo section of the CERN Martial Arts Club competed, through their affiliation with the “IlGi Dojang” club in Geneva. These seven came home with thirteen medals, including seven golds! >>

Cine club

Wednesday 5 October 2016 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber   Directed by VIlian Djevelekov Bulgaria, 2011, 109 minutes The film follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online. >>

Petanque club

Pour la cinquième année consécutive, la rencontre amicale MOUXY -CERN se disputait et voyait une nouvelle fois l'équipe du CERN composée de Alain Philipona et sa... >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. >>


... >>

News Articles

Beamline for Schools 2016: How to be a CERN scientist  
CERN & Society – Spreading our spirit of scientific curiosity  
LHC Report: LHC smashes collision records  
Looking for charming asymmetries  
A new building for testing magnets  
Netherlands in the spotlight at the ENLIGHT meeting on particle therapy  
New arrivals  
Computer Security: Android’s Armageddon… Reloaded  
Nicolas Delruelle (1965 - 2016)  

Official News

SAFETY ALERT - Failure of brass non-return valves in gas point installations  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund | 26 October  

Training and Development

Upcoming training sessions (up to end October) - Places available  


Working safely with electronics racks  
Bike to work safely (follow-up)  
IT User Community Survey  
Exceptional closure of the Medical Service on 11 October  
Heating being put into service  
CERN Accelerator School - Beam injection, extraction and transfer  
2017 European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) - Registrations  
2017 Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) - Registrations  
Modifications sur l'autoroute A1 - secteur Genève Aéroport  
Network migration for printers  
Register now for ISOTDAQ 2017  
New location of the Learning and Development group  
New AIDA-2020 call for breakthrough detector technologies  


Exhibition for the 45 years of the Long-Term Collections | 11-14 October | Main building  
Humanitarian Hackathon @CERN | 14-16 October | Are you ready?