

A loose screw at the European Patent Office!

The European Patent Office (EPO) is an International Organisation which employs 7000 people on different sites across Europe, and is responsible for the granting of patents in Europe. >>

enquête de satisfaction des restaurants

L’Association du personnel est représentée dans plusieurs comités dont le Comité de surveillance des restaurants (CSR) qui a pour mandat : >>

Welcoming spouses and partners to CERN

The questions related to Diversity were examined in the framework of the Five-yearly Review, which was approved in December 2015. The first themes implemented this year concern helping spouses or partners integrate into the working world, and improving the balance between professional and private life. >>


Du 28 novembre au 9 décembre 2016 CERN Meyrin, Bâtiment principal >>

Cine club

Wednesday 30 November 2016 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Dekalog - 9 Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski Poland, 1990, 60 minutes "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife". >>


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