CERN Accelerating science

CERN Preprints

Latest additions:
Observation of Λ hyperon local polarization in pPb collisions at sNN= 8.16 TeV
The polarization of the Λ and ¯Λ hyperons along the beam direction has been measured in proton-lead (pPb) collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 8.16 TeV. [...]
CERN-EP-2024-328 ; CMS-HIN-24-002-003.
- 2025
Additional information for the analysis - CMS AuthorList - Fulltext

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Evidence for similar collectivity of high transverse momentum particles in pPb and PbPb collisions
Charged hadron elliptic anisotropies (v2) are presented over a wide transverse momentum (pT) range for proton-lead (pPb) and lead-lead (PbPb) collisions at nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energies of 8.16 and 5.02 TeV, respectively. [...]
CERN-EP-2024-332 ; CMS-HIN-23-002-003.
- 2025
Additional information for the analysis - CMS AuthorList - Fulltext

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ALICE ITS2: overview and performance / Isakov, A.
The new Inner Tracking System (ITS2) is instrumental for tracking and vertex reconstruction in the ALICE experiment [...]

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Transient studies using a TCAD and Allpix Squared combination approach / Del Rio Viera, Manuel A. (DESY ; Bonn U.) ; Buschmann, Eric (CERN) ; Chauhan, Ankur (DESY) ; Dannheim, Dominik (CERN) ; Dort, Katharina (CERN ; Giessen U.) ; Eckstein, Doris (DESY) ; Feindt, Finn (DESY) ; Gregor, Ingrid-Maria (DESY) ; Hansen, Karsten (DESY) ; He, Yajun (DESY) et al.
The goal of the TANGERINE project is to develop the next generation of monolithic silicon pixel detectors using a 65 nm CMOS imaging process, which offers a higher logic density and overall lower power consumption compared to previously used processes. [...]
- 6.

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Flavor mixing in charmonium and light mesons with optimal distillation profiles / Urrea-Niño, Juan Andrés (Wuppertal U.) ; Finkenrath, Jacob (CERN) ; Höllwieser, Roman (Wuppertal U.) ; Knechtli, Francesco (Wuppertal U.) ; Korzec, Tomasz (Wuppertal U.) ; Peardon, Michael (Trinity Coll., Dublin)
We study the light meson - charmonium - glueball mixing using flavor-singlet meson operators built from optimal distillation profiles together with purely gluonic operators in different JPC channels at two different pion masses (420, 800 MeV) in two Nf=3+1 ensembles at close to physical charm quark mass. [...]
WUB/25-02 ; CERN-TH-2025-026 ; arXiv:2502.04977.
- 11.

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Fermions and the Renormalisation Group at Large N / Cresswell-Hogg, Charlie (Sussex U.) ; Litim, Daniel F. (Sussex U. ; CERN)
We investigate fermionic quantum field theories using functional renormalisation. [...]
CERN-TH-2024-078 ; arXiv:2502.04473.
- 29.

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Gravitational wave astronomy and the expansion history of the Universe / Giovannini, Massimo (CERN ; INFN, Milan Bicocca)
The timeline of the expansion rate ultimately defines the interplay between high energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology. [...]
- 91.

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Test beam results on 3D pixel sensors for the CMS Tracker upgrade at the High-Luminosity LHC / Lasaosa, Clara (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.)
The High Luminosity upgrade of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) requires new high-radiation tolerant silicon pixel sensors for the innermost part of the tracking detector in the CMS experiment. [...]
- 9.

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Search for long-lived charged particles using large specific ionisation loss and time of flight in 140 fb1 of pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
This paper presents a search for massive, charged, long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using an integrated luminosity of 140 fb1 of proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV. [...]
CERN-EP-2025-008 ; arXiv:2502.06694.
- 2025 - 56 p, 56.
Fulltext - Previous draft version - Fulltext

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Search for bosons of an extended Higgs sector in b quark final states in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV / CMS Collaboration
A search for beyond-the-standard-model neutral Higgs bosons in final states with bottom quarks is performed with the CMS detector. [...]
CMS-SUS-24-001 ; CERN-EP-2024-335 ; arXiv:2502.06568 ; CMS-SUS-24-001-003.
- 2025 - 59 p, 59.
Additional information for the analysis - CMS AuthorList - Fulltext - CMS HEPData - Fulltext

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