CERN Accelerating science



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Technical Training: Places available   >>

Academic Training: Surviving in space: the challenges of a manned mission to Mars

2005-2006 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 26, 27, 28 October from 11:00 to 12:00 - Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 Surviving in space: the challenges of a manned mission to Mars by L. S. Pinsky / Univ. Houston, USA >>

Language training

General and Professional English Courses >>

Safety Training: basic safety and access courses

Objective The purpose of the basic safety courses is to increase awareness for everyone working on the CERN site (CERN staff, associates, outside companies, students and apprentices) of the various hazards existing on site, and how to recognise and avoid them. >>

News Articles

Einstein's Legacy, at the Globe  
Nobel prize focuses on optics  
The Mysteries of the Quantum World  
Forklift Champions  
New arrivals  

Official News

REMINDER - Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent child  

General Information

Italy at CERN  
Elections of members to the Governing Board of the Pension Fund  
Décès - French version only  
Note from the CERN Medical Service  
Radioactive material Import/Export service  
Radioactive sources service